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Housing for Corporate Relocations


Corporate Relocations can happen at the drop of a hat. In addition to changes happening fast, you may not be familiar with the city, state or country you’ll be working in. Temporary housing can be the solution for many employees that need to move for their job. Signing a six or twelve month lease in order to rent an apartment may be out of the question. Booking a hotel room may be inconvenient, impersonal, uncomfortable and expensive. But what other option is available?  The option of renting a fully furnished apartment temporarily may be perfect for your situation. This type of service, called Corporate Housing, literally allows for an individual or family to rent a fully furnished apartment, for a short period of time usually more than 30 days but less than 365 days.

Corporate Housing offers amenities that provide the same comforts of home and the convenience of a hotel room. Temporary corporate housing are apartments, fully furnished with completely equipped kitchens and bathrooms, land lines with free local calls and fully furnished living rooms and bedrooms. Many people bring personal mementos to help them feel right at home. Corporate Housing also provides the advantages of a hotel room or hotel suite because you have the option of requesting maid service and other guest services like dry cleaning or dog walking. Yes, we just mentioned dogs. Many corporate apartments will allow your wonderful pet.

A lot of people don’t think about hidden costs, like hotel taxes, when they think of their corporate relocation. If you stay at a hotel, every night you’re charged with the local hotel tax, often about 15%. Hotel taxes don’t exist for corporate housing stays over 30 days. This can be quite a savings for you and/or your company. And, if you’re on a per diem, choosing a corporate housing option could provide you a larger, more comfortable living space than you would have at a hotel.

Convenience is key!

Many people who experience a corporate relocation just don’t have time to do the legwork. Corporate Housing can be a lifesaver. Another convenince is customized billing. Corporate Suites provides customized billing for your individual needs.

A Corporate Relocation should be easy and we can help. Corporate Suites will find you the right apartment for your needs.

Here are a few things you might want to consider:

  • How long would you like to stay?
  • How many bedrooms?
  • Do you need to be close to a school?
  • Do you need internal approvals (from HR or Supervisor)?
  • Know your budget (apartment, utilities, maid service, dog walker, dry cleaning, transportation, to name a few)

If you need a company that is reliable, personal and trusted, let Corporate Suites help you make your transition to your new location. Contact us today!

Corporate Suites…helping thousands find temporary accommodations across Texas!

Corporate Furnished Housing, Texas © 2025 | Website Design Austin, Texas by Josiesque Designs
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